Here in Jerusalem, we are preparing for our annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration from 16-23 October 2024. Even though this is a time of conflict and uncertainty in Israel, we sense this Feast will be an amazing gathering in ways different than any prior Feasts. Zechariah’s vision sees the nations coming up to Jerusalem every year to “keep the Feast” (Zechariah 14:16), because God wants to meet us here for a timely prophetic purpose.
Please come join us at the Feast, as we worship Jesus and stand in solidarity with Israel when they need us most.
Waiting to see you
PO Box 36530
Jerusalem 9136402
Tel: +972 (2) 655-8558
The International Convention Center – Binyanei Hauma, is located on the entrance to Jerusalem, within a short car drive from Tel Aviv and even shorter from the Ben Gurion International Airport. It is accessible from roads No. 1, No. 6 (a toll road), and No. 443. As such, it is highly accessible from any direction. The Center is a few minutes-walk from the Railway Station, the Light Train station, and the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.